Our range of competitively priced international shipping parcel and freight delivery services, includes:
International Express Courier Send your urgent parcels and documents worldwide with our efficient and affordable express courier services. Includes delivery to the door and track and trace ability for your peace of mind.
Air Freight Fast and economical, our air freight services can be tailored to one-off deliveries of any size, through to ongoing regular service solutions for businesses requiring frequent delivery worldwide.ATA单证册的格式 一份ATA单证册一般由8页ATA单证组成:一页绿色封面单证、一页黄色出口单证、一页白色进口单证、一页白色复出口单证、两页蓝色过境单证、一页黄色复进口单证、一页绿色封底。 ATA单证册适用的货物范围 1、国际博览会、交易会、展览会、国际会议及类似活动中陈列或使用的物品; 2、各类专业人员使用的专业设备,例如赴境外报道、录制节目、摄制影片所需的出版、音像广播、摄影设备;赴境外安装、调试机器所需的各种测量仪器;医务人员所需的医疗器械;演员、乐团、剧团所需的演出服装、器具等; 3、集装箱、托盘、包装物料、样品等与商业活动有关的货物; 4、科研设备、教学用品、海员福利用品及其他与教育、科学或文化活动有关的货物; |