地东: PORT SAID W 900/1675/1725 ALE OLD PORT 1050/1975/2050
欧洲RTM/HAM/ANTW 450/775/825 YT 7J2K
黑海:ISTANBUL/ODESSA/CONSTANZA 925/1825/1825++ CW 2J3K 非洲:MOMBASA/775/925/925 DURBAN /295/425/425
美国:LA/LB EMC 700 850 850+ YT 6J
SYDNEY 275/475/475Our services include: ·Sea freight Service ·Trucking, Warehousing & Distribution ·Full Customs clearance, Marine Insurance ·Total cargo care -door to door, depot to depot ·Worldwide Agency network ·Trade Service ·Competitive freight rate offered and shipping space guaranteed ·Efficient Communication and personalized services