COSCO Logistics International Multimodal Transport Co., Ltd. (Qingdao) is an independent legal entity which is specialized in international sea-railway-highway multimodal transport and subordinated to COSCO Logistics. It is the only railway-highway-sea combined transport platform of COSCO Logistics. With rich operational experience in international multimodal transport and the support of a high-quality operations team, continuously improved software and hardware facilities as well as the vast network of COSCO Logistics, our company is able to provide professional and personalized full-service logistics solutions.提供中远、港泰、安通、扬子江、和易,中谷新良等多个船公司内贸海运业务,内贸集装箱可提供港到门、门到门、码头装卸加固、开增值税抵扣票等多重服务,。 运输特色:危险品,化工品,减水剂净水剂分散剂,氯化胆碱,亚氯酸钠,氯化钡,氧化镁,纳米钙,树脂,石蜡,胶合板,加浆纤维,新闻文化纸张浆板等。 青岛/日照---广州黄埔港、蛇口港航线, 可幅射整个广东省。海上航行时间为6-7天。青岛/日照---大连、营口航线,可幅射东北三省及内蒙部分地区。 |