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作者:佚名  文章来源:本站原创  点击数  更新时间:2016/2/19 9:28:43  文章录入:admin  责任编辑:admin

Companies adhering to the "integrity-based, customer first" purpose, in good faith, high efficiency for the creed, the attitude and the professional management level, for our customers to provide safe, accurate and rapid economic, high-quality shipping services.

The company has been pursuing a "customer first, forge ahead" business philosophy, adhere to the "customers first" principle, provide shipping services for more than 500 enterprises, to high quality, attentive service has won the trust of many customers and praise, in the industry establish a good reputation. The company not only provides the professional and efficient transport, more and more professional team, to provide a full range of transport services more convenient and efficient for customers.是中国远洋运输集团总公司中远集装箱运输有限公司在淄博设立的唯一全权业务代理机构,直接在淄博签发中远提单和所代理提单,是全资的中远下属公司,代表着中远的形象和中远的信誉。具有船公司和一级国际货运代理资质。同时,中货淄博分公司还开展了与韩进、美国总统、马士基、杨明船务、立荣、铁行渣华等业务合作,开展整箱、拼箱、空运、保险等进出口运输业务。淄博分公司在淄博海关新大楼6层有自己的报关行-青岛中远报关有限公司,在淄博出入境检验检疫局有自己的报检公司,为客户提供全面服务。

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