We have strong inland truck service such as general container, refrigerated container, customs monitor truck , and can sure your goods be sent fluently in peak season.
customs Service Poly Million have professional Warehouses and Distribution service. We have rich experiece in warehouse and transportation. Whatever your goods by inland truck and river to shenzhen warehouse. Our team can Distribute and pallet selection. In YanTian, SheKou, WenJin Du, WanYun warehouse, QingShuHe warehouse, we have our own customs broker and can assist customer to make import and export customs clearance.Commodity Inspection, Plant Inspection, Insurance, Form A, C/O, Fumigation and special customs clearance service. 公司主要从事国际海运、陆运、空运、内贸海运等物流运输服务,包括订舱、中转、仓储、集装箱拆装、拼装、报关、保险、拖车等多式联运服务及代理进出口业务。公司更致力于推动保税仓、监管仓物流管理及在东南亚,日韩,中东,红海,印巴,欧美等国的DDP、DDU服务。公司已与数家国内外知名企业建立了物流战略伙伴合作关系。
我们认真负责的对待每一票货物和每一个环节。我们所提供的全方位物流服务尽可能满足你的每一项要求,同时整合全套供应链,控制您的成本。目前在盐田港,蛇口港,赤湾港拥有配套的拖车行及报关行,另我司在深圳为长荣、中远、中海,NYK,APL良好合作伙伴,在旺季时同样能为您保证舱位,满足你出货的要求。 |