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601 S Wabash Ave, Chicago, IL 60605美国
作者:佚名  文章来源:本站原创  点击数  更新时间:2015/7/31 8:57:42  文章录入:admin  责任编辑:admin

Export:  From China every ports to overseas main ports export cargo(Including FCL and LCL ,Air and Door Service) Superiority: Middle east ,India & Pakistan,Australia,South-east Asia ,Japn .
Import:   From overseas import to China main ports and main cities transshipment (Including  FCL and LCL by sea ,air and train)Superiority: Japan ,Australia and South- east Asia ) .
Domestic:  Domestic cargo delivery between two inner cities(Including FCL & LCL by sea,road,rail and combined transportation ,door to door service).
Storage:  Cargo consolidation ,stuffing and unstaffing ,storage ,distribution service in our main ports warehouse.工商登记注册的专业空运、海运代理企业。经过多年奋斗,不仅积累了大量行业经验,锻造了一支精干、专业的服务队伍,更和大量国内外客户建立了长期友好的关系。


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