公司在世界30多个国家和地区拥有大量代理,在中国大陆及上海本地拥有众多代理同行与我司协同发展空运及海运业务,形成了一个较为完善的货运网络,提供更广泛、更便捷的服务;且由于我司与国际国内各航空公司关系良好,在世界很多国家及地区的航线特别是欧美地区航线上有着极大的优势,利于更好更快的拓展市场及发展业务。 According to the approval granted by Chinese Department of Commerce and CAAC, Shanghai Cargostar Co.Ltd is established as a class “A” freight forwarder. It has been authenticated by IATA. The company is influential to synthesize which has won the trust of many clients.
The company now possesses an extensive customs bonded warehouse. It can offer comprehensive and efficient cargo service including transport the listing service, custom declaration, storage, transit transportation at home, Custom clearance, network service of the computer, etc. The company has a completely Operating system of the computer and the system of EDI, which have directly connected with the computer networks of the customs.
Our vertical management system includes GM office, Administration Department, Finance Department, Computer Department, Import Department, Export Department, Customs declaration department, sales department and Storage management. |