1、香港小包重量不超过两公斤,超过两公斤可以走香港邮政大包或者EMS; 2、长+宽+高之和小于90厘米,最长径小于60厘米,大于12厘米; 3、清楚的收件人地址和国家,部分易混淆国家须特别注明。如:Austria(奥地利),Iceland(冰岛); 4、地址标签以合适的比例大小,贴于包裹最大面的中部区域; 5、禁止邮寄违禁品、危险品、国家文物、各种货币、动植物等; 退件服务specialized in international air transport, international express (FEDEX / UPS / DHL / TNT / EMS), international shipping, Hong Kong import and export business agents, integrated logistics, warehousing, and other related businesses better shipping company, through continuous efforts Our company has an experienced and proficient in the logistics business professionals team, and has a good reputation and ensure that industry standards. We are better in the global freight network, actively developing agency relationship with the airlines and other countries and regions. Holds convenient, fast and efficient service, we sincerely provide quality services for domestic and foreign customers.