空运船代 | |||||
作者:佚名 国际海运来源:本站原创 点击数: 更新时间:2016-4-22 ![]() |
We are the domestic air transportation, is CZ, CA, MU, useful, such as HU, first class agents of the airlines, can provide all over the country, from guangzhou, shenzhen airport air service. 1, the booking. Operator to the airline booking, implement the airline flights, shipping space and some special terms and conditions required by the customers and guests. 2, check the airway bill. Before the goods into the warehouse, need to check the waybill information. A, the operator must first check with the client A good shipper, consignee, notify party), three aspects in English the name information.公司总部设在北京,在广州、大连、上海、青岛、天津、深圳、厦门、宁波等50余个沿海、沿江地区设有分支机构,主要从事各类中外籍船舶在中国港口的船、货代理业务。 公司依靠科学的管理机制,先进的服务手段,专业的技术人才,完善的服务网络,竭诚为委托方提供经济、周到、安全、快捷的优质服务。 当前,随着集装箱船的大型化、现代化水平的不断提高,中远船代的服务水平、专业化能力也随之明显提高,除具有代理10000 TEU大船的丰富经验,同时还积极开展散、杂货等其它类型船舶的代理服务,不断扩展与其它船公司的业务合作。 |
专业海运拼箱:www.bb9b.com | |||||
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